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The Everyday Guide to Primary Geography: Local Fieldwork
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Julia Tanner, Jane Whittle
ISBN: 9781843773672
Price: £23.99
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Fieldwork in the local area is an essential aspect of primary geography. The school grounds and immediate surrounding environs are a fabulous resource for pupils to discover, explore and investigate many aspects of physical and human geography. The Everyday Guide to Primary Geography: Local Fieldwork provides inspiration for a wide range of stimulating fieldwork-based enquiries at key stages 1 and 2. It demonstrates how familiar local places, such as streets, buildings and parks, provide rich opportunities for practical local investigations that develop pupils’ geographical thinking, knowledge and understanding, and extend their geographical skills. It also explores exciting possibilities for cross-curricular work through linking geography with other subjects.
- Geography and local fieldwork
- Enquiry in primary geography
- Planning for fieldwork
- Resources for local fieldwork enquiries
- Investigating our school
- Experiencing today’s weather
- Exploring where we play
- Sharing special places
- Recording weather patterns
- Investigating the school grounds
- Tackling issues in our local area
- Understanding local workplaces
- Exploring woodlands
- Mapping changes in our local area
- Exploring streams and rivers
- Creating sustainable futures
- Useful resources and websites