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SuperSchemes: Investigating Latitude and Longitude

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Simon Collis

ISBN: 9781843773719

Published: 2015

Price: £21.99

Member price: £14.99


The SuperSchemes series provides primary teachers with the means to develop geography units of work with confidence. Each book starts with:
  • advice and guidance on how to approach the topic
  • an explanation of the geography rooted in the unit
  • background information to get you started.
The whole suggested unit is laid out in the medium term plan, which is followed by detailed and resourced lesson plans for two lessons. Further ideas for developing the remaining four lessons in the unit complete the book and provide you with a springboard to take your geography teaching further.

In this SuperSchemes unit, pupils are challenged to plan a trip that takes a group of travellers from the north of North America to the southernmost tip of South America. In planning an information pack for the travellers, pupils will develop their understanding of the significance of latitude, longitude, time zones and the key aspects of climate types. They will develop their locational knowledge of places in North and South America using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping.