Planning your coherent 11-16 geography curriculum: a design toolkit (eBOOK - pdf download)
ISBN: 9781843775317
Published: 2021
Price: £32.99
This book has been designed to help teachers plan a coherent and sequenced secondary geography curriculum for 11–16-year-olds, with progression and assessment at its heart. Divided into two sections, the first part of the book provides the theoretical underpinning of planning a coherent geography curriculum. It:
- summarises developments in geography education over the last 30 years and considers the concept of curriculum
- examines curriculum planning models and the proposition of curriculum making
- considers the nature of powerful disciplinary knowledge, and the possibilities of a ‘Future 3’ geography curriculum
- explores the nature of progression in geography and its significance in the curriculum design process
- examines how Ofsted curriculum research determined the 2019 Education Inspection Framework.
The second section provides practical guidance and support and includes case studies from five schools showing how they have approached curriculum design. This part of the book takes you through establishing the outcomes for your curriculum and sequencing the content through:
- intent – creating a vision, recording your starting point, setting goals and designing your curriculum
- implementation – how do you align curriculum, pedagogy and assessment?
- impact – how do you evaluate the impact of your curriculum on your students and on outcomes in geography in your school? What might be your next steps in developing your coherent 11–16 geography curriculum.
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