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Assessing Progress in your KS3 Geography Curriculum (eBook - pdf download)

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Editors: David Gardner, Paul Weeden, Graham Butt

ISBN: 9781843773733

Published: 2015

Price: £10.50

Member price: £8.99


This downloadable resource places assessment at the heart of teaching and learning. It will inform you about planning for assessment over the key stage and choosing assessments that are fit for purpose, using assessment to promote learning. It is designed to help you to develop rigorous and consistent approaches to assessing your key stage 3 students’ progress in geography lessons and it:

  • provides an understanding of progression in geography
  • offers advice and guidance on assessment
  • aims to support you in reviewing your current assessment practice
  • includes a KS3 planning grid.

Chapter 1: How has assessment and progression in geography changed?
Chapter 2: How can we plan with assessment in mind?
Chapter 3: How can progression in geography be assessed?
Chapter 4: What helps to improve Assessment for Learning in geography?
Chapter 5: Where next?

Please note that this eBook is available in a pdf format and can only be purchased online. Once purchased the eBook will download automatically into your ’My Resources’ area which you can access from your member home page. EBooks and journal article/issue downloads, are ineligible for refund unless it can be demonstrated that they are either of unsatisfactory quality or are not as described. 

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