
Teaching Geography

Teaching Geography is the Geographical Association’s journal for all secondary and college teachers. Published three times a year, it provides support and guidance on teaching and learning geography.

Teaching Geography is available in print and online and includes:

      • lead articles exploring the theory and practice of a specific aspect of geographical education
      • ideas for stimulating geography lessons, complete with downloadable resources
      • reviews and subject updates.

If you are a member with a subscription to Teaching Geography this gives you free access to every issue dating back to Autumn 2004 on the GA website, and to every issue dating back to 1975 via JSTOR (please note that the JSTOR archive is not available via institution-wide IP access).

In the GA’s commitment to increase diversity and inclusion, we encourage contributions from all teachers and educators and particularly from underrepresented groups.If you would like to write for Teaching Geography these guidelines outline the process and include contact details for the Editor. 

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Teaching Geography Spring 2021

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG Spring 2021 Extras
Journal: Teaching Geography Spring 2021


Individual articles available within this issue

Teaching Geography Editorial Spring 2021

Melanie Norman

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Award for Excellence in Leading Geography 2021

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Raising issues: 'I know where I'm going' - teaching map and GIS skills

Alan Parkinson

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA PARKINSON further references
Journal: Raising issues: 'I know where I'm going' - teaching map and GIS skills


The deep dive geography experience: intent, implementation and impact

Rachel Kay

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KAY Download E Examples of curriculum pathways
Journal: The deep dive geography experience: intent, implementation and impact
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KAY Download D Questions from the inspection
Journal: The deep dive geography experience: intent, implementation and impact
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KAY Download C KS3 rationale and unit extract
Journal: The deep dive geography experience: intent, implementation and impact
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KAY Download B KS3 and 4 Programme of study
Journal: The deep dive geography experience: intent, implementation and impact
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KAY Download A National Curriculum Audit
Journal: The deep dive geography experience: intent, implementation and impact


Taking the first steps towards bringing GIS into the classroom

Harry West

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


A fieldwork toolkit for early career geography teachers

Rebecca Kitchen, Janine Maddison

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KITCHEN MADDISON Download 3 Enquiry questions
Journal: A fieldwork toolkit for early career geography teachers
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KITCHEN MADDISON Download 2 Creating a holistic fieldwork experience
Journal: A fieldwork toolkit for early career geography teachers
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA KITCHEN MADDISON Download 1 Fieldwork planning template
Journal: A fieldwork toolkit for early career geography teachers


A case for the curriculum: health geography

Tessa Sittner

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SITTNER Download D Health Geography definition dominoes
Journal: A case for the curriculum: health geography
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SITTNER Download B Activity Perceptions of space
Journal: A case for the curriculum: health geography
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SITTNER Download A Enquiry questions and resources
Journal: A case for the curriculum: health geography


Geographical field trip to Venice and its lagoon

David Anderson, Cecilia Stefinlongo

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA ANDERSON STEFINLONGO Sources of information
Journal: Geographical field trip to Venice and its lagoon
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA ANDERSON STEFINLONGO Recommended site visits
Journal: Geographical field trip to Venice and its lagoon


COVID-19: an opportunity to review fieldwork provision

Gayle Sloggett

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SLOGGETT Download A Data presentation template.
Journal: COVID-19: an opportunity to review fieldwork provision
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SLOGGETT Download A Data collection template.
Journal: COVID-19: an opportunity to review fieldwork provision


Developing a departmental approach to GIS

Ollie Davies

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


From the archive: using computers in geography teaching

Ian Selmes

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SELMES Download B Full list of references
Journal: From the archive: using computers in geography teaching
 TG SPR 2021 EXTRA SELMES Download A Timeline in computer development
Journal: From the archive: using computers in geography teaching


How to: Turn your academic research into an article for Teaching Geography

Richard Bustin

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


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