
Teaching Geography

Teaching Geography is the Geographical Association’s journal for all secondary and college teachers. Published three times a year, it provides support and guidance on teaching and learning geography.

Teaching Geography is available in print and online and includes:

      • lead articles exploring the theory and practice of a specific aspect of geographical education
      • ideas for stimulating geography lessons, complete with downloadable resources
      • reviews and subject updates.

If you are a member with a subscription to Teaching Geography this gives you free access to every issue dating back to Autumn 2004 on the GA website, and to every issue dating back to 1975 via JSTOR (please note that the JSTOR archive is not available via institution-wide IP access).

In the GA’s commitment to increase diversity and inclusion, we encourage contributions from all teachers and educators and particularly from underrepresented groups.If you would like to write for Teaching Geography these guidelines outline the process and include contact details for the Editor. 

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Teaching Geography Autumn 2019

The Autumn 2019 issue of Teaching Geography

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

 TG Autumn 2019 Extra resources
Journal: Teaching Geography Autumn 2019


Individual articles available within this issue

Teaching Geography Editorial Autumn 2019

Melanie Norman

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Raising Issues: Putting Burgess in the bin

Charles Rawding

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


The new Education Inspection Framework - through a geographical lens

Alan Kinder and Paula Owens

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources

Journal: The new Education Inspection Framework - through a geographical lens


World maps in a time of crisis

Peter Vujakovic

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Making homework count

Hannah Finch Noyes

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers

Additional resources


Whatever happened to sustainable development?

Ian Selmes

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Brexit and borders: topical geography

Joe Usher

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Critical Thinking for Achievement CPD

Gemma Mawdsley

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Optimism, progress and geography - celebration and calibration

David Alcock

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Kelham Island - a model case study?

Christopher Hoare

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


Note perfect! Taking notes in classes and lectures

Kenny Lynch

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Free for Teaching Geography subscribers


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